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Leo Full Moon

Leo Full Moon

 Express yourself don't repress yourself!
You've got to show up to blow up, so express yourself in let's-get-loud Leo. Opposite the Sun in group-oriented Aquarius, aka the audience, Leo is about grabbing the mic, standing in the spotlight and leading from the heart. 
Second in the fire sign trio, Leo's fire is the hearth or heart fire. Let the warmth of love open and expand yours, then watch how people are dawn to you. As the entertainer of the zodiac, Leo shines through expressing talent. What has la Luna's spotlight revealed for you over this lunar cycle? We've heard that everyone has a unique gift to share with the world, and this month is all about it. Leo is also about the courage and confidence it takes to do just that. This is your reminder to do you boo because no one else can. Stoke those fires and let your passion burn! 
This is the best time to host or attend a party, live event or debut a project you've been working on. Your audience awaits! This is a physical sign; turn up the music and dance, try a paint and sip class, or binge a drama you can immerse in while breaking down the character arcs. Why not run with the inspo and write the next Netflix breakout series?! Try it with a group of friends in a writer's circle; you'll be surprised at what you can achieve creatively. Who knows, you might be living that golden lux lifestyle Leo loves, even if it's vicariously through your creations. This moon comes with a side of anything-can-happen so be the unexpected rather than expect the unexpected as the saying usually goes! 
I lead from my heart with ease. 
I easily express myself creatively in ways I feel seen and loved.
Journal prompts 
How am I showing up for myself and in the world? What do I want recognition for doing or being? 
New Moon Ritual prompts  
What were you planning six months ago on the new moon in Leo? This is a fruition point, so it's time to harvest. Light a candle to represent the fire element and use clear or a yellow/gold crystal-like citrine to amplify your vision. Dial up the music and dance in celebration as you welcome and celebrate its arrival as if it's already here in the moment. 
This blog was brought to you by our resident celebrity astrologer for Glamour Magazine USA, Vanessa Montgomery of Astro All-Starz is a professional consulting astrologer and author of Star Power, Cosmic Power and recently published Astro Power a simple guide to prediction and Destiny for the modern mystic. Montgomerys work navigates the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Clients come for the astrology and stay for the empowering upshift and opening to possibilities. Schedule your 1:1 consultation today at
Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, co-create your world. 
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